BhavayAmi gopala
Ragam: Yamunakalyani Talam: khaNDa caapu
Composer: Annamaacaarya
bhAvayAmi gOpAla bhAlam manas-sEvitham
thathpadham chinthayEham sadhA
charaNam 1
ghaTi ghaTita mEkhalA kachitha maNi khaNDikA
paTala nina dhEna viprAja mAnam
kuTila padha khaTitha samkula simjithE natham
chaTula naTanA samu jwala vilAsam
charaNam 2
niratha kara kalitha navaneetham
brahmAdhi sura nikara bhAvanA shObhitha padham
thiru vEnkaTAchala sthitham anupama harim
parama puruSham gOpAlam bAlam
This mind bows down in obescience to Gopala in his form as a little child and always contemplates on his lotus feet
Little Krishna is wearing a mekhala (ornament) on his hip which is studded with with jewels and mani's
He has a radiant charm ...and appears resplendent due to the tinkling of his ornaments
He makes crooked and uneven steps and being the Lord himself ....
He is confused with his inability to make straight and proper steps
Even with his uneven steps , his unsteady gait resembles a graceful dance!
Butter overflows from his little hands as he walks,
Lord Brahma, all the gods and humans have assembled on this auspicious occasion
to see the little lord !
Annamaiyaa praises Bala Gopala as the unparalleled supreme perfect Lord who is an excellent actor and plays his role of a little child stealing the hearts of his devotees!
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